Oberwolfach Arbeitsgemeinschaft

(Joint event with "Summer Schools in Analysis")

Quantum Signal Processing and Nonlinear Fourier Analysis

October 06 - October 11, 2024
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
Quick links:


This year, the traditional series of summer schools will be continued as an

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft at Oberwolfach.
  • We follow the procedures posted there, the application portal at Oberwolfach is open until June 1 2024. Due to this format, compared with previous years' summer schools, there will be more participants than at previous year's summer school, and there is no restriction on seniority. Still all talks will be given by participants.


    Apply through the
  • MFO portal . Early applications will be given a preference, in the sense that applictaion may be closed prior to the June 1 deadline in case we have filled early. (Update May 22: we are 75 percent filled. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to apply.)

    Topic choice and registration

    Participants volunteer to prepare a 45 min lecture on a topic from the above list. Questions on the assigned topics to the organizers can be sent to this address at any time.

    Preparation and school proceedings

    Participants preparing a talk will also be requested to submit a 2-3 page summary of their topic by September 15 2024. Instructions to follow. The summary should be prepared with the Oberwolfach report template. The report is developing here here


    Sunday, October 6. 2024, will be the arrival day. From Monday to Friday, participants will give the lectures that they have prepared in advance. Departure will be after lunch on Friday, October 11. 2024.