Bonn Topology Group - Abstracts

General Information - Members - Activities - Topology Seminar


June 4, 2024
Sabrina Pauli (Darmstadt University): Equivariant parametrized cohomology of the classifying spaces of C_2-line bundles


Equivariant parametrized cohomology, defined by Costenoble--Waner, is an extension of the RO(C_2)-graded Bredon cohomology, graded in representations of the equivariant fundamental groupoid. The advantage of such an extended grading is that it allows for Thom isomorphisms as well as Poincaré duality. In the talk I will introduce the equivariant fundamental groupoid and representations of it and give some examples. Then I will discuss joint work in progress with Agnès Beaudry, Clover May, Chloe Lewis and Elizabeth Tatum where we compute the equivariant parametrized cohomology of the classifying spaces of C_2-line bundles.

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