HCM Graduate Colloquium, Summer Term 2024

Organisers: Michel Alexis, Regula Krapf, Fred Lin, Luise Puhlmann, Christoph Thiele, Radu Toma

This seminar is organised as a BIGS event. The goal is to present topics from all areas of mathematics in an elementary and informal way. The talks should be accessible to a general mathematical audience and are mainly aimed at BIGS students.

Everybody (students, postdocs, faculty, guests) is welcome to attend.
If you would like to give a talk please contact us.

The seminar will take place Wednesdays 15:15 - 16:45 in the Lipschitzsaal. The talks will usually take about one hour and there is the subsequent possibility to ask questions. Coffee, tea and cake will be served beforehand between 15:00 and 15:15 in the Plückerraum.

A predecessor of the HCM Graduate Colloquium is the Basic Notions Seminar which took place until 2017:
Basic Notions Seminar Summer Term 2017

Date Speaker Topic
17.04.2024 Sid Maibach (IAM) An Exposition to Random Conformal Geometry
24.04.2024 Antonia Ellerbrock (DM) Cost Allocation for Set Covering: the Happy Nucleolus
29.05.2024 Sil Linskens (MI) Grothendieck's Homotopy Hypothesis
12.06.2024 Alexander West (IAM) Minimizing the Willmore energy under a total mean curvature constraint
03.07.2024 Hendrik Baers (IAM) Instability of the Fractional Calderón Problem


April 17, 2024: Sid Maibach (IAM)

April 24, 2024: Antonia Ellerbrock (DM)

May 29, 2024: Sil Linskens (MI)

June 12, 2024: Alexander West (IAM)

July 3, 2024: Hendrik Baers (IAM)